About Us

Tigray Statistics and Vital Events Registration Agency (TSVERA)

Tigray Statistics and Vital Events Registration Agency (TSVERA) is the Tigray government’s technical agency commissioned to produce socioeconomic, geospatial, and vital statistics so that various stakeholders can fast-track Tigray’s resources, economy, business, and society, and their humanitarian and development interventions are evidence-based.

Its overarching objective being to build both spatial and non-spatial statistical systems up to its lower level of administration, it is mandated to provide standardized, timely, trustworthy, quality, and disaggregated local-level statistical and vital events data through modernizing systems of data collection and management. This is intended to support various interventions made by decision-makers, planners, researchers, and local and international development partners are evidence-based.

In addition, the agency has the mandate to approve any government and non-governmental statistical surveys planned to be conducted in Tigray and their reporting level is regional. On top of this, it is also mandated to verify datasets whenever they are needed. The demand for data verification may come from the agency itself, the regional government, as well as local and international NGOs, UN agencies, and other development partners. Our local-level datasets are thus of paramount importance for various stakeholders, where their tangible interventions would be based on reliable data and information.


Since 1991, Ethiopia has been achieving remarkable economic and social progress as well as environmental management by adopting a green development approach. When the economy gets bigger and more complex, the demand for statistical and trustworthy administrative data has also been increasing at an alarming rate, both in magnitude and diversity. Moreover, throughout developing countries, the attainment of socioeconomic development objectives has increasingly relied on specific programs and projects designed and implemented at the regional, provincial, district, or even village level. This is clearly reflected in the global development agenda 2030 and its SDGs, which require disaggregated local-level statistical data, particularly in ensuring its prime objective, ‘no one is left behind’ in a development process.

Cognizant, Tigray Regional State has become a pioneer state in Ethiopia by establishing the Regional Statistics Agency in May 2018 as an autonomous regional technical government organ by proclamation number 305/2018. But in 2022, the government underwent an organizational restructuring where Tigray Statistics Agency (TSA and the Tigray Civil and Vital Events Registration and Authorization Agency were merged, giving it its current name, “Tigray Statistics and Vital Events Registration Agency (TSVERA).

Thus, in a nutshell, the agency aims to support evidence-based policymaking, planning, implementation, monitoring, and reporting about Tigray’s economy and society. It will help the regional government, researchers, and local and international organizations track the economic, business, environmental, and social developments of Tigray quickly so that their tangible intervention is based on reliable data and information.


We are aspired to see Tigray have built a modernized vital events registration and data generation and dissemination system, and TSVERA becomes the hub of Tigray’s data and information.


We are mandated to produce and disseminate standardized, quality, reliable, and timely socioeconomic and vital events statistical data and information about Tigray through modernizing systems of data collection and management.

Working Hours

Monday - friday 02:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday - Sunday Closed
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